Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Who You Are: A Message To All Women

Today has been a bit of a rough day.  There are days when I am on top of the world and then there are days where I struggle.  Today was a struggle.

All of my life I have struggled with feelings of inadequacy.  "I'm not....", "I can't do...",  "I'm not as good as....", "I have no...".  You can fill in the blanks with all of the thoughts that ran through my head. I'm sure most of the thoughts that you could possibly think have wandered through mine.  Every time there is a set back in my life, every time things don't go like I would like them to, every time I have a day that is a struggle,  those thoughts invade my mind.  They are like a python with it's prey,  taking hold and squeezing the life out of me.  It is like I am trapped and I can't get away. That was how my day started and as it progressed, it seemed like that was all I was going to have today.  It is crazy how quick Satan can get a hold of me and how easy it is for me to believe it. It frightens me sometimes how well he knows me and my weaknesses.

Fortunately, I have a Heavenly Father who knows me and my weaknesses better.  He knows how to comfort me.  He knows what I need to hear and learn.  He knows me.  And most importantly He loves me.  Today, during one of my moments of why me and why not me and why am I not good enough, my Heavenly Father used my friend Cameron to give me a tender reminder that I am enough.  It was a sweet reminder that I am not alone, that I am known to Him, and that I am loved.  Cameron doesn't know how much he helped me today because he doesn't know how much this video he shared touched me.

I feel like I need to share this video with as many girls as I can.  It is hard being a girl in a time when perfection is pushed on us from every direction. It is hard to remember who you are and what you stand for when the world is telling you that you have to conform.  It is hard remembering that you were born to be great.  It is hard to remember that you have a divine destiny and purpose.  It is sometimes hard to remember that you are daughter of God.

This post today started out being something very different.  It was originally going to be a venting post, a post where I could get all of my frustration out, but after I stepped back and looked it changed.  I started to realize that after every "pity me" moment I had today Heavenly Father blessed me with what I call tender mercies. Gentile reminders that He is there and if I am looking, listening, and prepared He will bless me.  I sometimes forget how blessed I am.  I forget that I am important.  I am so grateful that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me enough to have sent His Son to provide a way for me to get back home.  He loves me enough to give me a family that I can turn to no matter what.  He loves me enough to give me good friends.  He loves me enough to let me have trials so that I can learn and become better. I AM BLESSED!!!