Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 9~ A picture is worth a 1000 words...

Day 9~ A photo of the last thing you purchased.

Okay so there has been a good sized gap in between days, but with it being Christmas time who really has time to blog. :)

The last thing I purchased was my nephew's monkey pillow pet. I looked everywhere for that silly thing for him. I am really glad that I found it though because the look on his face was priceless. :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day eight~ Music soothes the troubled soul.

Day eight~ A song to match your mood.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Once upon a dream...

Day 7~ My dream wedding.

Like most girls I have been dreaming of my wedding since I was little. My dream wedding would take place in the winter and I would be married in the Salt lake temple. I have always wanted to get married in the winter just so I could wear a big cloak like Belle wore in Beauty and the Beast. I just want to be a beautiful bride. =^) After pictures we would go to our reception and dance and enjoy the night with our family and friends. Honestly we would be lost with each other and everyone else would be a nice bonus. Then we would leave amid sparklers and bubbles. I don't know what our colors would be and I don't know what my cake would look like, but I know that I would be happy because I would be with the one I loved. And after all, what else matters.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 6

Day 6~ a photo of an animal you would like to keep as a pet.

I would love to have a couple of white tiger cubs. I mean, look at them, they are so cute and sweet. The only catch is that I would want them to stay cubs. When they are cute and little they would be fun. Not so much fun as they got biger though.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 5... Days gone by.

Day 5: A photo of yourself two years ago.

This was when we went to Vegas for our girls trip in 2008. :) This was at the indoor amusement park behind Circus Circus.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 4

Day 4~ Your favorite picture of your best friend...

This one was hard for me to try to narrow down, So I didn't. I don't have just one best friend. I have been blessed to have many people in my life that I consider my best friends. So here are some pictures of my favorite people.

This is my sister. I think she was my first best friend though it took me a while to realize it.

Ben, Kyle, Amy, and I. What a fun night.

Tami, April, and Ally. These girls are so great.
Becca and I. Oh the fun of high school. This girl is amazing.

Amy, Tami, and I.
There are many, many others that I consider to be my best friends. The tragedy is that I can't list all of them. So for those of you who aren't listed, and you know who you are, I love you and my life has been blessed because of you. :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day three... Three can you believe it. :)

Day 3: Your idea of the perfect first date...

Hmm my idea of the perfect first date... Right now I am thinking that any first date would be good. It has been a while since I have been on a date. :) I think that the perfect first date would have to be something fun and active. I am not into the whole movie thing for a first date. How are you supposed to get to know anyone while you are sitting in a movie theatre.

I once heard of a date that someone went on that intrigued me. I think it would be a great first date. You go to a book store and give each other 15 minutes to find books from different sections that mean something to you or describe you in some way or another. Then after you get back together you explain why you picked each book. I think that paired with food and mini golf would be a really fun first date. It would be a great way to get to know each other. :) :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 2... A picture of something you ate today.

Tacos and egg nog... weird combo yes, but it was really good. :P

Sunday, December 5, 2010

1 down... 29 to go.

Day 1~ A photo of myself and a description of how my day was.
This picture was taken a la self portrait almost a month ago.

Today was a good day. It started with me sleeping in. That is one of the best things about Sundays. After I got up I hung out a while and debated going to church. I shouldn't say that, I know, but I am having a hard time with my new ward. It is weird. Lots of good people, but weird none the less. After I decided to go I got ready and then ended up going to my friends ward today. I left after sacrament. When I got home, my sister and her family were here watching Holiday Inn with my mom. I love that movie. Really, I just love Bing Crosby.

After that was over we decided to go shopping for Christmas trees. YAY!!!! There is nothing like the smell of a fresh Christmas tree. We found a cute little tree and bought it and brought it home. It took lots of creativity and rigging to get it to stand in the tree stand, but a couple of hours, two kitchen towels, one plastic cup, and lots of duct tape later, it is standing all on its own. If it is still standing in the morning victory will be mine. Then came MythBusters and blogging and next comes sleep. What a good day. :)

30 days of Blogging... Sure why not.

So, my cute friend Nikki, copied something from her friend that I am copying from her. It is an awesome idea and I am glad that i found it. It is the 30 day blogging challenge.

The whole idea behind the blog challenge is to learn more about yourself while giving others the chance to get a glimpse of who you are also. I hope that my friends will take the challenge as well because it is always fun to learn new things.

Here's the list:

30 day blogging challenge
Day one~ A photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.
Day two~ A photo of something you ate today.
Day three~ Your idea of the perfect first date.
Day four~ Your favorite photograph of your best friend.
Day five~ A photo of yourself two years ago.
Day six~ A photo of an animal you would like to keep as a pet.
Day seven~ Your dream wedding.
Day eight~ A song to match your mood.
Day nine~ A photo of the last item you purchased.
Day ten~ A photo of your favorite place to eat.
Day eleven~ What's in your makeup bag?
Day twelve~ A photograph of the town you love in.
Day thirteen~ Your favorite musician and why?
Day fourteen~ A TV show that you are currently addicted to.
Day fifteen~ Something you don't leave the house without.
Day sixteen~ Your celebrity crush.
Day seventeen~ A photo of you and your family.
Day eighteen~ Something you crave a lot.
Day ninteen~ Another picture of yourself.
Day twenty~ The meaning behing your blog name.
Day twenty-one~ A photo of something that makes you happy.
Day twenty-two~ A letter to someone who has hurt you lately.
Day twenty-three~ 15 facts about you.
Day twenty-four~ A photo of something that means a lot to you.
Day twenty-five~ What's in your purse?
Day twenty-six~ A photo of somewhere you've been.
Day twenty-seven~ A picture of you last year and now and how have you changed since then?
Day twenty-eight~ Your favorite movie.
Day twenty-nine~ Something you could never get tired of doing.
Day thirty~ A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past.
Now comes the really fun part. Tomorrow I start my 30 day blogging adventure. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I am going to enjoy doing it.
P.S. Now it's your turn. :)