Saturday, May 22, 2010

Infinate worth....

I don't know if I am the only one who ever feels this way, but sometimes I feel like I have no purpose or direction. I sometimes feel like I am wandering. At one particully difficult time in my life I had a very dear friend invite me over to watch this movie and she made me pay special attention to this song. It helped me remember that I needed to rely on the my Heavenly Father more. To this day when I am struggling I think of this song and it makes me remember that although I can't see what the Lord sees and I often don't understand what He is doing or His timing, I know that He will pull me through and I will be better for it.

Don't forget to pause my music and enjoy this wonderful song. =^)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

I believe in Miracles

So this week has been an interesting one. Mom went in for a knee replacement on Wednesday and I would be lying if I said that I wasn't a little bit nervous about it. She had an amazing doctor and the staff was just as amazing I am sure. Everything went well though and she has pulled through like a champ. She was in the hospital until today when we were finally able to spring her out. =^) While she was in there she had two of the best CNAs. Mark, a big, burley, bald guy and Ren, a smaller, younger kid. Mark was loud and funny and made me laugh and Ren was quieter, but still funny. They were amazing because, even though they were as different as night and day, they both had a knack for putting me totally at ease. They were attentive and caring and they made sure my mom had everything she needed. Miracle #1.

Also while my mom was in the hospital she had lots of love from those that we love. She lots of visitors and well wishers. Flowers littered her room. The flowers that mean the most to me came later last night. A very kind and loving friend, who has never met my mom, sent her flowers. A beautiful reminder of the kind of love Christ has for all of us. Miracle #2
The best miracle of the week though came from a very dear friend of ours. One who for a long time mom and I thought that we had lost. It has been months since we have talked to her and we thought that we would never hear from again. While we were at Wal-Mart filling mom's perscriptions this friend texted me and asked if she could come and see us. Tears filled my eyes as a door that I thought was closed swung wide open again. She came, we talked, and the air was cleared. Miracle #3.

Thank you Heavenly Father for the tender mercies that fill my life and bless my soul.