Yesterday we had our first real snowfall of the year. The first to leave a blanket of beautiful, fluffy, white snow on the ground. As I watched it fall yesterday it got me thinking about how out of the trillions of snowflakes that have fallen in my lifetime no two have been found that are exactly alike. Beautiful little things that even when they are clumped together are still individual and unique. I started looking at pictures of snowflakes and out of the hundred or so that I found each one was different. Some were similar, but not an exact copy. Each snowflake is perfect even in it's imperfection.
Now what does this have to do with anything? Well, it also got me thinking that we are like that. There are no two people on this earth that are exactly alike. We are all individual and unique. Some of us may look similar, but there are no exact copies. Some of us are simple. No bells and whistles. Nothing entirely spectacular. Not as pretty as some of the others. Some of us are grand and beautiful with many amazing details.
And so, even thought I feel like the snowflake above, kind of simple but possessing a beauty all of it's own, I wait. Knowing that I have a Father in Heaven who loves me. Who made me to be like Him. A precious and unique queen in my own right. Born to stand out.

If we have a Heavenly Father who is detail oriented enough to make it so that no two snowflakes are alike, doesn't it make sense that we, who are His children are just as special. He made us in his image and he wants us to be happy. Being happy is easier said than done, I'm afraid. But those moments of unhappiness are what I like to call make or break moment. We are forced to either turn over all of our worries and fears and have faith or give up and try to do it alone. I have tried both routes and still find myself fighting to do the first. Having faith is hard sometimes when things are hard to handle. Case in point, I am 27 and single. I never thought that I would be one who was single for this long. Most of the time the optimist I thought I would find someone who could look past my plain outside and see the beauty within. That hasn't happened yet. Sometimes my faith waivers and I left in a make it or break it moment.