Thursday, September 16, 2010


This last week I went to Hawaii with Claudia and Briana and Aidan. :D It was absolutely AMAZING. It was so much fun. We went to Oahu and pretty much drove EVERY road on the island.
We found our way to a lot of beaaches, this one was taken at Sandy Beach. The waves there were really intense, a lot of fun, but intense. It definately lived up to it's name. When we left I was covered in a layer of sand an inch thick. :)

On our many journeys we passed through this tunnel and it was always so funny to see the kids try and hold their breath through it. Both of their eyes look like they are going to pop out of their heads. :) Haha. One of the many things we did was go to the Dole Pineapple Plantation. It was so cool to learn how pineapples are planted and harvested. MMMM plus we got a sample of fresh pineapple. On Saturday we went to the saturday market that is around Aloha Stadium. It was a great place to get presents for people.
Isn't this just beautiful. I fell in love with the beautiful water and beaches.
On Sunday we went and hiked up to the Makapu'u Lighthouse. It was a beautiful hike. Aren't those three just the cutest people ever. I love them. It was really fun to see how excited Aidan got doing a lot of the things we did.
After that we went to church in the Waiamanalo Ward. It was an awesome meeting. It was fast and testimony meeting and it was cool to hear the testimonies of the Hawaiian saints. We also sang the hymn "Secret Prayer" in Hawaiian. Well, I just listened to everyone else, but it was neat nonetheless. On Monday, we went to Pearl Harbor. It was an awe-inspiring experiance. There was just this sweet reverance while we were on the U.S.S. Arizona memorial. A very sobering event that re-enforced my gratitude for my freedom and an overwhelming love for those men and women who get up everyday and proctect that freedom, so that I can get up every day and live my life. After Pearl Harbor we went to the Polynesian Cultural Center. That was a lot of fun to learn about the different islands and cultures.
During our trip we spent a lot of time in airports. So needless to say, we did a lot of this....
And this... It was so worth it though and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I had a blast with my family. I love them. :D

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