Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What if...

So a couple of my friends posted things about "If I Was..." I loved it and I am eventually going to do it too, but it got me thinking about other what ifs that are all around.

What if... it never rained, would we appreciate the warmth of the sun?

What if... we were never sad, would we ever know true happiness?

What if... we never lost a loved one, would we cherish the time we have with them?

What if... we were given everything. would we learn the value of working for what we want?

What if... we never went anywhere, would we develop the Spirit of Adventure?

What if... we were always afraid to fall, would we ever learn to soar?

What if... we never spoke our minds, would we ever be independent thinkers?

What if... we never left our circle of friends, would we ever discover the joy of new friendships?

What if... that one person never broke our heart, would we recognize true love?


  1. Shannon I LOVED this post! You are so great! I love you :)

  2. I ditto Amy's comment! It was a beautiful & profound post, Shannon!!
