Monday, June 14, 2010


This weekend I got the chance to see my sister run in the Sawtooth Relay. It was really fun. I felt like I was in a car for three days straight though. Sawtooth is a 62 mile, 6 person relay and each person runs two legs. It was awesome to be a part of. :) My sister's team is named the Marauding Monkeys. Those six people were amazing. This year the team consisted of Claudia (my sister), Brice (my sisters friend and returning monkey), Danny (again friend and returning monkey), Liz (my sisters assistant track coach and first time monkey), Rusty (head cross country coach and first time monkey), and Launa (first time monkey). There was also Seth (the monkey gone mad). Seth decided that he was going to run it on his own this year. They are all amazing. I was so inspired by these awesome people. Now, like I said before, I am not a runner, but watching these crazy, determined people I was so moved that I have decided that next year I am going to run Sawtooth so, my training starts today. Slow and steady wins the race right, so that is how my training starts. Slow....


  1. Good luck on that training! Sounds like quite an experience. Where is this held?

  2. Starts in Stanley Id. and goes to Ketchum Id.

  3. Kinda like Ragnar?! That's awesome Shannon! If I was going to be here I'd come watch you!!

  4. Yeah it is kinda like Ragnar and if you were here Amy, you would be running it with me Not watching. :D
