Sunday, March 28, 2010

Go BIG or go home

Last week my friend Amanda and I went to the Biggest Loser auditions. It was definatelty an interesting experiance. The day before we went, my friend and I were joking about how funny it would be to be eating McDonalds in line. Well, Amanda and I were in line at six in the morning and the girls in front of us had a bag of McDonalds. I just had to laugh. We got talking to the girls in front of us and by seven we were pretty good friends with Drea, Rosie, Lisa, Melissa, and Rebecca. Also at 7 a man came around passing out campain flyers for Mike Lee. To be totally honest I have no idea who Mike Lee is, but this guy had a captive audience in us, since we weren't planning on going anywhere. He ended up being really cool though. He brought us gloves.

Any way three and a half hours, lots of honking horns, lots of laughter, and lots of cameras later the line finally started to move. They took us in in groups of 10 and told us that we would have seven minutes. Not seven minutes individually mind you, seven minutes as a group. We were told to be our selves and have fun when we were talking to the casting director. When we sat down, a couple of people asked serious questions and then we spent the rest of the seven minutes talking about past seasons of Biggest Loser. After our seven minutes were up we were told that we would know before the night was over if we made callbacks. Although I am still not sure how they managed that. They saw 1250 people that day. How do you remember who all you saw and what stood out. I didn't get a callback, but you know what, I am okay with that. We have a second chance by making a video and Amanda and I are starting that tomorrow. Life is good and no matter what, it was fun.

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