Monday, March 1, 2010

Sticks and Stones...

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me...

I'm rubber, you're glue. Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you...

Simple words that we know from childhood. Most of us probably said them more than once. I think that they are completely wrong. It should be: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can hurt the most. I had an experience tonight that hurt my feelings a bit. Words were said in passing that in no way were meant to be hurtful. I know this because the person who said them doesn't have a mean bone in his body, but they hurt me none the less. I smiled and walked away, because what else could I do. I am not confrontational when it comes to something about me. He will probably never know that his words hurt me. He'll never know that I cried the whole way home because of it. It is for that reason that I am blogging tonight. We need to watch the words we say, because we never know what simple words can do to a person. The wounds that are inflicted by sticks and stones will heal. The wounds that are inflicted by words tend to have longer reaching results. Long after bruises and broken bones are gone the hurtful word lingers...


  1. Oh sad :(
    Nicely said though and so true!

  2. That is so very true. It also can make you tougher or bitter. Hopefully you're not the latter.

  3. Oh, Shannon! This breaks my heart - I almost started crying while I was reading it. But it is so true - words can hurt even if the person speaking them didn't mean them the way they came across. Just keep this in mind (and repeating it to yourself doesn't hurt either - unless you are in a crowd of people talking to yourself...then it might look strange... ;o)..): You are incredibly beautiful, Shannon. You are so talented, sensitive to the needs and feelings of others, and very perceptive. You have strengthened my testimony so many times by your example, comments, and just by being you. Your Heavenly Father loves YOU, as well as your Brother. It's a perfect love - and it should be the most important, the one you trust in. You are special (so don't forget it)!!
