Monday, July 18, 2011

28 things I've learned... and a few I haven't.

As my 28th birthday was approaching I started to ponder all of the things I have learned this past year. It seemed like a challenge to come up with 28 at first, but as I thought I found it more difficult to limit myself to only 28. :) I apologize in advance because this is a long post.

So here are the things I've learned...

  • No matter how hard I try or how much I want, I will never be just like my sister and that is okay.

  • Those times when your mom seems like more than you can handle, just remember that everything she does is because she loves you. Hers is a thankless job with long hours and bad pay, so go easy on her and tell her you love her often.

  • You will have many best friends throughout your life. Each one will bring something special to the table.

  • Friends change and grow. Just because you don't spend as much time together doesn't mean you aren't friends.

  • being an adult sometimes sucks. It is no where near as fun as Hollywood makes it seem.

  • Disneyland can make anyone, no matter their age, feel like a child.

  • Flying a kite and doing kitchen science projects will always be more fun than watching tv or playing video games.

  • Sometimes it's okay to fight. As long as it is a fair fight.

  • Bad self esteem isn't something that you can improve instantly. It took a long time to build bad self esteem. Logic says it will take a while to fix it.

  • I can so anything I want as long as I don't give up.

  • I am a cryer. It doesn't take a lot to make me cry and once I start it is sometimes difficult to stop.

  • You can't force change on anyone. If someone doesn't want to change they never will.

  • Some of the toughest people I know have the biggest hearts. Proving once again that you can't judge a book by it's cover.

  • My family is AWESOME. How many other people will dress up like Harry Potter characters and go out in public looking silly.

  • A nine year old boy is great entertainment even though slightly annoying at times.

  • Birthdays aren't as much fun as an adult as they are as a kid.

  • I am way better than I give myself credit for.

  • I may not be the prettiest, smartest, or the most talented, but I am a daughter of God. A Heavenly Father who loves me just the way I am.

  • I am glad I have a good relationship with my siblings. I would be very sad if I didn't.

  • If you ever feel invisible or forgotten just post your birthday on Facebook. Then people come out of the woodwork to wish you happy birthday.

  • I don't have to be popular. I just have to be me.

  • There is always going to be something that stirs in my heart when I see a flag waving in the breeze or a soldier in uniform.

  • I will always be a kid at heart.

  • I am a nerd. I love books and movies and random useless knowledge.

  • My life is made better by all of the wonderful people I know.

  • If someone doesn't want you in their life it doesn't mean you should stop trying to include them in yours.

  • Despite much protestation I always feel better when I look good.

  • Worrying about the future doesn't do anything but give me wrinkles.

There are also some things I haven't learned...

  • I haven't learned what it is like to have someone who looks at me and loves me and thinks I am beautiful and wants to spend eternity with.

  • I haven't learned what I want to be when I grow up.

  • I haven't learned how to be the person the Lord wants me to be or His plan for me.

As I embark on another year of life I look forward to all of the things I will learn. Who knows, maybe this will be the year that I learn some of the things that I haven't learned in years past.

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