Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 30. FINALLY!!!!!

Day thirty~ A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past.

Okay so my picture isn't of me today, but it is the most recent picture of me that I have. This was last Saturday at the Sawtooth Relay. :)

Three good things that have happened to me in the past... Well, the first one is my car is fixed and working again. I hate not having a car. The whole relying on others thing kinda stinks.

The second one and this sounds terrible, but I got released from my calling. I was the FHE co-chair and it got to a point where I just didn't feel like anything I did was being helpful. I am now one of the gospel principles teachers. I love it. I love teaching.

The third one was lots of opportunities to serve and help out my friends and family these last two weeks. It has been so much fun. :)

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