Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Days 24-26

Okay, this 30 day blogging challenge has taken far to long. I am going to knock out a couple of days in one blog. This could be kind of a long one. So please bear with me. :)

Day 24~ A photo of something that means a lot to you. This one is kind of different. The things that mean a lot to me are very random things. Very normal, but with lots of sentimental value.The first thing is my set of Pride and Prejudice videos. I got my set from my sister after I first watched it with her. I told her that was what I wanted for Christmas. Well she looked and looked and couldn't find it. So she wrapped up her set and gave it to me. This touched me a lot because I knew how much she loved it. For her to give it to me was incredible

The next thing is a book. Who cares about a book?? Well, I do. This particular book belonged to my nephew, James. James passed away while I was on my mission. I had a hard time coming to grips with this because I wasn't around for any of it. Well last week, I opened up this book to start reading it and I found an inscription to James from the author. Made my heart smile.

This one is less physical, but good none the less. This one is my memories of going to Disneyland. My favorite place ever. I went with my mom and it was a blast. I hadn't been in 20 years and it is something I will always remember.

This one is something I got from one of my companions on my mission. She knew that I liked VeggieTales and so she bought this for me. I love it. It is very special to me.

Day 25~ What's in your purse??
My purse contains the normal mess of random things. I have my wallet of course. I also have pens, lots and lots of Planet Fitness pens. What can I say??? I have a habit of taking them home from work. :) I also have lots of random things of chapstick. I can never find one when I need one, so I have lots. I also have paper clips, a purse hangy thing, scratch paper and gum. Gotta have the gum. :)

Day 26~ A photo of somewhere you have been.

West Virginia. Wild, Wonderful, Beautiful West Virginia. I went here on my mission and I am convinced that it is one of the best kept secrets in the country. It was amazing to see all of the beauties this small hidden state possessed. :)


  1. I didn't remember that you served your mission in West Virginia. It is beautiful country. We're in Virginia and except for the weather and traffic, it's great.
