Friday, March 11, 2011

Day twenty-one~ A photo of something that makes you happy.

Other than my family, the thing that makes me the happiest is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has influenced my life in the most profound ways imaginable. The knowledge that it has given to me has guided and changed my life. I can't explain how much it has impacted me. My testimony is the most precious thing I own. I have had my own private struggles some harder than I would have liked, but from each trouble and trial I have had, I have grown to know my Savior. I know of His love for me. I know that He came to this earth as a baby born in the most humble of circumstances and grew into a man who performed miracles and gave the world the gift that only He could give. He gave His life to save everyone, past, present, and future. He selflessly sacrificed for me because I am not perfect and I need his help.
The gospel has also given me a testimony of living prophets who lead and guide us through life. I know that Joseph Smith saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and I know that he was called to restore the gospel to the earth. He has been followed by a living prophet ever since. I know that the prophet today is Thomas S. Monson. He is called of God to lead the church today.

The other thing that the gospel has given me is a testimony of the Book of Mormon and the Bible. These are two amazing books that work hand in hand to testify of Christ. The Bible tells of Chirst's dealings with the people in the old world and the Book of Mormon tells of Christ's dealings with His children in the new world. These books are amazing in their evidences of Christ. I love the Book of Mormon. Every word testifies of Christ. These are the things in my life that make me the most happy. :)

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