Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day twenty~ The meaning behind your blog name.

The meaning behind my blog name is more of a personal reflection. Organized Chaos seems to how my brain works and how my life seems to go. I tend to be a very random person. There are about a billion different things stumbling through my brain at any given time and I am known to jump from thing to thing quite often. Sometimes I forget that others don't know what is going on in my head and I talk to them like they do. More often than not they look at me like I am crazy. But in my mind it is totally clear. :)

My life has often followed the same course. There have been many times when I have wandered through this life lost in a state of total chaos. Not knowing where I am going or what I want out of my life. Then there were times of total clarity. Mostly though my life has been a bit chaotic. Once I learned to harness the chaos I began to thrive. There are still things in my life that I can't control and things that throw me for a loop, but I feel like there is an order to all of it.

If I put my trust in my Heavenly Father then the chaos seems to slow down and I am able to process it. I can't do it on my own. I have tried. I need the support of a Heavenly Father who knows me and understand the chaos inside me better than I ever could. He has taken me through the refiners fire and has made me into a better person. I know that there are still many fires to go through in the purification process, but I know that as I do the things that the Lord requires of me, the chaos will become still and I will be the person that my Father needs me to be. He has never failed me and he has never left me alone. So I am grateful for the chaos in my life and in my head. It is through that chaos that I have found true friends in my Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. And through the chaos I have found the quiet whisperings of the Spirit bringing peace and organization to an otherwise tangled web.

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