Sunday, August 12, 2007


This last weekend was a total blast. My ward went rafting just outside of Jackson Hole this weekend. We met at the church at 9:00 Thursday morning. After getting everyone and everything situated we set out. We stopped after two hours for lunch and then it was back on the road again. After another two hours we were finally there.
Thursday night brought food and a lot of fun. After an awesome dinner we played random games. Thursday night I sat and watched a fabulous meteor shower. I love the great outdoors. I was in a hotel room with my dear friend Ashlee, but outside was so great. Friday morning brought about excitement and a desire to get to the river. The first trip down the river was quite an adventure. When we hit the rapids "Big Kahuna" I, along with three others, was thrown out of the raft. After a brief lunch we went for round two. The second time down the river was far more fun than the first time down. The second time the group I was with was totally nuts. At one point three of the members of our boat pirated another boat. It was the funniest thing to watch. There were people flying all over the place. At another point, we became an animal orchastra. Hey, no one said we were sane.
Friday night we had our devotional and testimony meeting. I can't tell you how much I love the people in this ward. They are all amazing in their own right. After devotional, there was another round of games and some great blackmail moments. After I went to bed apparently there was quite a bit of action involving a few kids on four-wheelers, but that isn't my story and I don't know all of the details. Saturday morning came all to soon. I didn't want to leave these people that I had grown to love even more than I already did. Another four hours later we were home and now all I have left are some great memories.

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