Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Gone, but NEVER forgotten

Today is a day of tender memories. Six years ago our nation fell victim to a heinous crime. I was at Snow College, my mom called me at about 8:50 am and asked if I was watching the news. I told her no and she told me to go turn it on. I went to the lounge and turned on the tv just in time to see the second building fall. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. How could this happen to a nation as great as ours. As the news spread the lounge filled up with people. People who lived in the dorm and people who didn't, who just wanted to be around friendly faces and loved ones.Classes were cancelled and everywhere we went it seemed there were teeming masses around a tv. Some friends and I decided that we were going to go into the neighboring town to the hospital and give blood. When we got there we were told that the only people who could take blood right then was the Red Cross. So trying to escape from the world around us we went to a small soda shop owned by our bishop. There we spent the day laughing and enjoying each other. In the back of my mind I kept wondering how life could go on and what would happen in they had to re-instate the draft. Would all of the young men I knew and loved be called into action?I wish that I could have stayed locked up in that place of peace and love. Coming home that evening I was greeted with another crisis. One of the girls in my dorm met me in tears. She told me that one of the other girls took a wholw bunch of pills and then took off and she needed help finding her. We gathered up as many as were willing to help and set off in search for her. We had alerted the authorities and were on the move. As we were crossing the campus we saw her walking and as we approached her she just crumpled. She received the help that she needed and we later found out the reason she did it. She had an uncle in the pentagon who was unaccounted for.

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