Thursday, April 29, 2010

Change is in the Air...

Why is it that just as you get used to something and think you have it figured out everything changes??? I don't know that I like change... I mean I accept it and I move forward, but I am not sure I like it. It takes a bit for me to warm up to the idea. My ward recently lost A LOT of members and we are gaining A LOT of members. I was not very happy about it at first, but now that I have warmed up to it I am kind of excited. The anticipation of a new adventure makes my heart beat a little faster. Change is what makes or breaks us. It is how Heavenly Father helps us to grow and makes us the people he wants us to be. It's a good thing He knows us so well that He how best to help us along our journey.


  1. when I was 16, my ward that I grew up in split down the middle and we lost a lot of people we all had grown to care about. It was so hard because I grew up with all those people and it was hard to not be in the ward together. you will still see them and the new ward will be just as great!

  2. It'll be good Shanninon! At least we still have each other! :) There should be a lot of fun new people!
