Thursday, April 29, 2010

Change is in the Air...

Why is it that just as you get used to something and think you have it figured out everything changes??? I don't know that I like change... I mean I accept it and I move forward, but I am not sure I like it. It takes a bit for me to warm up to the idea. My ward recently lost A LOT of members and we are gaining A LOT of members. I was not very happy about it at first, but now that I have warmed up to it I am kind of excited. The anticipation of a new adventure makes my heart beat a little faster. Change is what makes or breaks us. It is how Heavenly Father helps us to grow and makes us the people he wants us to be. It's a good thing He knows us so well that He how best to help us along our journey.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Happiness Is...

Happiness is...
  • A warm hug
  • A smile from a friend when you need it the most
  • Family who love and support you
  • The laughter of a child
  • The smell of rain
  • A good book, warm blanket, and a cup of hot chocolate in the middle of a snowstorm
  • Homemade cinnamon rolls
  • The first flowers of spring
  • The feeling of accomplishment after you finish a project
  • Midnight movies with my big sister
  • Talking to mom
  • Meeting your favorite Disney characters
  • Laughing until your stomach and face hurt
  • Talking all night long
  • All night video game marathons

And most important

  • The gospel of Jesus Christ
  • A living prophet who leads us
  • A testimony
  • Knowing I am a daughter of God

Friday, April 2, 2010

I wanna be a runner...

So I have decided that I want to be a runner. Now looking at me, runner is not the thing that one would think. I don't know what has suddenly drawn me to running other than being told that running makes people skinny. I hate running!!! I hate it with a passion, but I would like to love it. I see my friends and family who love it and I am a bit jealous. My sister has always been a runner and now a few of my good friends are really getting into it. I think it is amazing and it takes an incredible amount of determination to be able to have the will power to do it. How do I start being a runner though??? I am in no shape to just go out and run. I might die if I did. So I have a dream of being a runner and a hope that I will figure it out and be able to start and that I will eventually love it.