Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Total Wreck

I had quite a day yesterday. I got up and just like any normal day I got ready for work. I hopped into my car looking forward to the Stake swimming party after work. I headed out to make the drive to the temple. I was about 5 miles from work when it happened. I was in the left lane and two lanes over a car swerved into the lane next to me which in turn caused the car next to me to swerve into my lane. I swerved so that I didn't get hit. I lost control and spun before hitting the concrete divider. I was stunned and in tears. The first person that stopped was a nurse. He was amazing. He checked me over really quick and helped calm me down. Another young man stopped and the two of them finished moving my car off to the side of the road. Soon a Highway patrol man stopped. He took our statements and called a tow truck to take my car home.On the way home I realized how incredibly blessed I was. The accident could have been so much worse. Although the front of the my car was ripped off the only problems I had were a nasty welt on my neck and chest where the seatbelt caught me and bumps and bruises that I would discover later after the adreniline wore off. Heavenly Father was definately with me as I was driving. When I spun no other cars hit me, the concrete divider saved me from going into the other lanes, and my seatbelt saved me from going through the windshield. I know that I was being watched over because I really should have been more injured than I am. I know that I have a Father in Heaven who loves and watches over me. I know that He knows my every want and need. He blesses me daily and I know He is always there.

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