Day 24~ A photo of something that means a lot to you. This one is kind of different. The things that mean a lot to me are very random things. Very normal, but with lots of sentimental value.
The first thing is my set of Pride and Prejudice videos. I got my set from my sister after I first watched it with her. I told her that was what I wanted for Christmas. Well she looked and looked and couldn't find it. So she wrapped up her set and gave it to me. This touched me a lot because I knew how much she loved it. For her to give it to me was incredible

This one is something I got from one of my companions on my mission. She knew that I liked VeggieTales and so she bought this for me. I love it. It is very special to me.
Day 25~ What's in your purse??
My purse contains the normal mess of random things. I have my wallet of course. I also have pens, lots and lots of Planet Fitness pens. What can I say??? I have a habit of taking them home from work. :) I also have lots of random things of chapstick. I can never find one when I need one, so I have lots. I also have paper clips, a purse hangy thing, scratch paper and gum. Gotta have the gum. :)
My purse contains the normal mess of random things. I have my wallet of course. I also have pens, lots and lots of Planet Fitness pens. What can I say??? I have a habit of taking them home from work. :) I also have lots of random things of chapstick. I can never find one when I need one, so I have lots. I also have paper clips, a purse hangy thing, scratch paper and gum. Gotta have the gum. :)
Day 26~ A photo of somewhere you have been.
West Virginia. Wild, Wonderful, Beautiful West Virginia. I went here on my mission and I am convinced that it is one of the best kept secrets in the country. It was amazing to see all of the beauties this small hidden state possessed. :)