Friday, April 27, 2007

Angels Incognito

Heavenly Father works in mysterious ways and He often sends each of us Angels Incogneto. Aside from my mother and sister who provide much needed outlets Heavenly Father has provided me with a number of angels. All of them took the shape of friends and family. While I know that there are a lot of people who have influenced my life, there are four that stick out in my mind.The first one, Teresa, was a loving Young Womens leader who made sure I was involved in everything that was going on. There were times when she literally had to drag me kicking and screaming to get me involved in things. I fought her tooth and nail, but knowing now, that she loved me enough to put that much effort into me has made me a better person.The second one, Tyler, was a dear friend in High School. He is a story all his own and soon that whole thing will be written, but for now I will say that he went out of his way to make a lonely girl feel important. He stuck up for me when all of his friends thought that he was crazy for being friends with me.The third was a young man I met when I was going to Snow College. His name is Kelly. Kelly did things for me that no one else could have possibly done. He was a friend of my friend Emily. When we met we just kind of clicked. I had a thing for his roommate for a long time and Kelly was my confidante, my advice giver, and my friend. As time progressed Kelly became an important part of my life. One time, when his roommate and I were mad at each other, Kelly sent me flowers and instead of taking the credit he put his roommates name on the card so that we would be friends again. When Tyler died Kelly was my saving grace. I secluded myself in my room. The only reason I ate, went to class, and kept going was because Kelly made sure I did. When he got married I felt like my heart would break. My best friend couldn't be my best friend anymore. He had other responsibilities now.The thing is when someone leaves our lives Heavenly Father puts someone new in their place. That is where my fourth angel comes in. Juli...the most amazing girl I know. I met Juli one particularly difficult day. I don't really remember what was wrong, but I was sitting in the foyer of our church building crying. Juli was walking by and asked me if she could give me a hug. Right then I knew that Heavenly Father had placed another angel in my life. Juli was in the right spot at the perfect time. To this day, even though Juli has struggles of her own, she still manages to make me feel loved. She has an infectious smile and a love for everyone that astounds me. She is a breath of fresh air.I know that my Heavenly Father loves me, because he has sent me angels. My dear friends and family who I love and I couldn't make it without. I have been truely blessed

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