Friday, May 24, 2013

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Part 2: The Unapologetic Geek

In my search to find the beauty in me, I have learned a couple of things about myself.  One of the biggest things that I have learned is that I am an unapologetic geek.  There are a few things that I absolutely geek out about and the biggest one is Harry Potter.  I am the girl who has read the books and seen the movies multiple times. I love the movies, but I still love the books more.  I am the girl that stayed up all night to get and then read the books.  I am the girl who dressed up and went to every midnight premier.  I am the girl who knows more about Harry Potter than your average person.  I am the girl who still cries when my favorite characters die, even though I know that it is going to happen.  I am that girl that is convinced that my Hogwarts letter got lost because I am way to awesome to be a Muggle. I am a geek and I am proud of that.

Besides my love of Harry Potter, I am a complete geek.  I love superheros and Disney and Harry Potter and books and movies.  It is quite possible that this will keep me single for the rest of my life.  I know that if I ever find someone he will love me for who I am, geekiness and all.  I am a geek.  I know it and I love it and I am not at all sorry.  Being a geek is part of the beauty of being me.  Beauty is 100% in the eye of the beholder and I am starting to find the beauty in me.